Sunday, August 11, 2019

Victims of Terrorism, Hate Crimes & Racial Profiling Assignment

Victims of Terrorism, Hate Crimes & Racial Profiling - Assignment Example However, there have been attempts to end racial profiling in the United States. Question one: Terrorism is a systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. Domestic terrorism refers to illegal use of force or violence committed by a person or group against a person to intimidate them for political or social objectives. The US considers terrorist attacks domestic if they are carried out by its citizens who are not acting on behalf of a foreign power (Doerner, 2012). Investigations of domestic violence are carried out in accordance with The Attorney General guidelines on general crimes and Domestic Terrorism Investigations. The establishment of terrorism as a crime that can be committed domestically became a law in the year 2001 when President George W. Bush signed the Patriot Act. Domestic terrorism is a major concern in the United States. In fact, domestic terrorism has currently hit the highest point of the cycle in the United States but most of the cases are simple at tacks committed by lone actors. However, the implications of the crimes is as those of jihadist and Iranian attacks (Peek, 2011). Recently there was an attack on Oak Creek, which was termed as a case of domestic terrorism where seven people were shot and killed. The US local law enforcement agencies have played a key role in dealing with the many threats of the modern world. The police in the United States are involved in mitigating and defeating terrorism in the United States. This is because the police agencies have acquired technology and ideas on how to offer effective defense and conquer offence. According to Peek (2011), they work with communities in order to achieve this goal. Therefore, the establishment of terrorism as a crime that can be committed domestically has changed policing in a number of ways. It has broadened the ideas and knowledge of the Department of Homeland Security who work together with police, intelligence and immigration agencies to fight terrorism (Doern er, 2012). Question One A: Policing in the US has changed with the establishment of terrorism as a crime that can be committed domestically. As mentioned above, police play a major role in mitigating and overcoming terrorism in the United States. Local agencies in the country have the knowledge and technology to create counter networks and to work on effective defenses and offenses. This has been possible due to expansion on knowledge concerning the concept of terrorism and what entails it. Through multijurisdictional efforts, police can determine whether individuals or enterprises are an active threat that calls for inquiry or enforcement action (Peek, 2011). The agencies are transparent, flexible and adaptable enough to join forces with one another. They develop more important and credulous unions and create strategies that capitalize on law enforcement resources. Most significantly, they work with societies to counter the acts of terrorism. Policing is therefore a convergent tact ic that battles crime and disorder while creating unfriendly environments for terrorists. For instance, after terrorist events in 2011, police organizations have strengthened their efforts against terrorism (Peek, 2011). The Justice Departments’ federal Bureau of Investigations which is the leading agency dealing with matters of terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security and the local agencies have strongly been involved in the fight against terrorism. The police have been able to attack

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