Thursday, August 8, 2019

Professional and Personal Growth-Reflective Report Assignment

Professional and Personal Growth-Reflective Report - Assignment Example However, managing people is a very challenging undertaking to most managers today. This is particularly so managers who lacks effective leadership skills. Effective management of people also requires fostering collaboration within the organization. Collaboration within the organization is important since it helps in building effective teams. However, I knew very little regarding the importance of effective management of people and fostering collaboration until I learned about leadership content of the course. When learning about leadership in an organization, I came to realize that an effective leader is one who knows how to manage his people. Salacuse (2006) attributed this to the fact that employees are one of the most important assets of an organization. As such, an effective leader must adopt an effective leadership style that inspires his followers towards the attainment of the organizational goals. The content of leadership also brought me to the aspect of collaborative leaders hip style that leaders might adopt as way of fostering teamwork in an organization. In this regard, the content demonstrated the importance of collaboration between managers and employees in an organization. Managers can build effective teams by adopting a collaborative leadership approach. My improved understanding of managing people and fostering collaboration through leadership has had a positive impact on the value that I will bring to my role within an organization. ... This follows my improved understanding that collaborative leadership motivates employees to work hard towards the attainment of organizational goals. 2. Week 3 Sentence Global warming is one of the major environmental problems facing the world today. Pollutants from companies have been cited as one of the major causes of environmental degradation in the world today. As such, I inspire to make the world better by minimizing the level of emissions and promoting responsible disposal of waste products in the organization where I work. Minimizing the level of emission will help mitigate the global warming problem that continues to impact negatively on the world. At the same time, promoting responsible disposal of waste products will help create a society that is not only clean, but also healthy to people. To become a manager who ensures that the organization I work for protects the environment through responsible disposal of waste product and minimization of pollution, I intend to sensiti ze the employees and colleagues in the organization on the need to protect the environment from pollution. Doing so will make other managers in the organization, as well as employees understand why protecting the environment is important to the community around and the world at large. To ensure that my relationship with my spouse and family become an enduring source of happiness, I intend to respect family values. This begins by showing love and respect to my spouse and family. At the same time, I will ensure that there is effective communication between them and myself. Maintaining effective communication will help solve grievances that may threaten the relationship and happiness. Maintaining faithfulness with my spouse will also be important for building trust, which

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