Sunday, August 4, 2019

Are Parents the Best Teachers? :: Economics

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents are the best teachers because of the amount of influence they have over us, the amount of time we spend with them, and the morals they teach us. I agree with parents are the best teachers. In general, children must learn many things such as the way to treat people, to be polite and be respect, living skill, table manners, basic positive ideas toward things, what should be done or others should not be done, or others else that children do necessarily have in daily life. Also in terms of parents’ religion, their belief, and also political status as well, any thing that related to personal life are connected with parents closely. Parents who can influence children even more then teachers. Because the amount of time that spend with parents is much more then any others. By talking to them, by setting an example, and unconsciously, parents’ behaviors and thoughts influence them a lot, they are the best models for children, however, it’s because children in childhood are the most period that can be easily influenced, no matter they show them for purpose or children learn by themselves. Children observe how their parents treat people, how to handle things happened besides them and then learn it gradually. It can simply describe why lots of tragedies or some negative things news always happened from those people who don’t have complete family background or their parents are not good people. Because their parents didn’t teach them well and their parents affect them incorrectly. I believe that I influenced by my parents deeply as well. I can have my own idea, but according to them, I know lots of things positively, to be polite and be honest, and ethic value toward many things, even accustom doing things and my hobbies are connected with them. They introduced me to a correct way and to be a good person.

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