Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Starbucks Customer Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Starbucks Customer Service - Essay Example An enterprise that has succeeded in the beverage business by providing superb customer service is Starbucks. This paper analyses the customer service at Starbucks Incorporated. At Starbucks customer service is not just a business function it is integrated into the corporate culture. This company whose core business is selling quality coffee beverages has become a global icon of popular culture in the United States and worldwide. At Starbucks coffee is not just a drink, it is a complete experience. Starbucks has expanded worldwide and currently has operations in 41 countries with a total of 10,295 outlet stores operating as wholly owned or licensing agreements (Starbucks). People go to Starbucks because it offers an eccentric comfortable atmosphere that is created by the company’s partners (employees). Starbucks offers a variety of the best tasting top quality coffees in the world. The clients are enticed to stay around the stores and hangout to enjoy some of the company’s other products and services such as coffee merchandise, fresh foods, consumer and entertainment products which include high speed wireless internet access (Starbucks). Customer service is a strategy that is integrated in the entire supply chain. At Starbucks the customer service philosophy starts with the coffee farmers & makers and its suppliers of materials. Starbucks builds close relationships of mutual benefit with its suppliers to ensure the company obtains the possible price and on time delivery. The company gets involved in the farming operation of its producers of coffee to assist and ensure the crops of coffee are produce at the highest possible worldwide standards. â€Å"The farmers, millers, exporters, and importers who grow process and or supply coffee to Starbucks share the same uncompromising commitment to quality we value† (Corporate Social Responsibility 6). Customer service at Starbucks also means serving the needs of the communities in

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